Sleeping Well on Holiday: Tips for a Restful Vacation

holiday rest

Whether it be summer holidays in the sun or a winter break, holidays are a space to destress, relax and reset. This stress relief can really help with sleep and sleep quality as heightened stress has been found to be linked to sleep difficulties.

This being said, it is easy to lose your sleep routine and hygiene when you go on holiday with an unfamiliar environment and changes in schedule, and of course jetlag. This can disrupt your sleep and for this reason, it is important to have some tricks you can implement to help you maintain your sleep routine and get the best night's sleep possible on holiday.

Tips to make your sleep environment more comfortable.

Being in a different environment that you do not control can affect your sleep routine and comfort. Here are some suggestions on how you can maintain your sleep hygiene while away:

  • If it is possible we suggest bringing some familiar items with you, for example, your pillow and pillowcase to help you maintain your normal comfort and support.

  • It may also be helpful to bring a familiar smell with you that you associate with sleep, for example, a pillow spray. This can help you relax into sleep, specifically if you use a spray that includes lavender and jasmine. Why not try out our pillow sprays to help you create a relaxing sleep-inducing environment?

  • We would also recommend if you were going to a hot country check what temperature the hotel or apartment is kept at, as the temperature can influence quality of sleep. The optimum sleeping temperature is around 18 degrees.

  • If you are staying somewhere where there may be a lot of noise or light disturbances like in a tent or busy tourist area, we suggest going prepared with earplugs and a blackout mask. Our sleep eye mask is 100% cotton, adjustable, and blackout perfect for keeping out the early morning sun or late-night streetlights.

Try and stick to your sleep hygiene routine.

Try not to eat and drink too close to bedtime. Although it is customary on holiday to let go, eat later, and drink more alcohol it can really affect your ability to get to sleep and your sleep quality. So try to make sure you have a few hours to relax, digest food and metabolise the alcohol before you go to bed.

Try and stay active, although it is tempting to just relax by the pool and soak in the summer sun or snuggle by the fire on a winter break. Taking yourself out on a walk to go sightseeing or soaking in some beautiful views can help you to fall asleep faster when it comes to bedtime.

walking in nature

Finally, have a lovely holiday!

So, wherever you are going on your holiday this year try to follow some of these tips and tricks to help you sleep well and maintain your sleep hygiene and routine.

Enjoy your holiday and make sure you take the time to destress and reset!

If you are interested in discovering more useful tips and tricks to help you sleep better why not take our sleep assessment and get tailored information for your sleep type?


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